Upcoming job interview?
Practice and get instant feedback from our AI career coach
Start PracticingGet ready for your interview in 3 simple steps with a FREE self-practice app
Practice. Build confidence. Have fun!
With help from Mr. Simon you will:
Know your key
selling points
It's not enough to be qualified for the job in today's competitive market. You also need to be able to "sell yourself".
Mr. Simon will extract key highlights from your answers, to show you your most relevant skills - your unique value proposition.
Sharpen your
Some of us tend to ramble when under stress. Some are too shy and can't get the words out of their mouth.
Based on your answers, Mr. Simon gives you suggestions for improvement and examples, so that your message is concise, strong, and relevant for the position.
Overcome Anxiety
"So, tell me about yourself!" - ugh, what a dreadful question... 😕
With feedback from Mr. Simon, you will adjust your talking points and vocabulary towards the job requirements, so you feel confident and equal in the interview conversation.
You got this!
With the help of Mr. Simon, a wise AI career coach who
knowledgeable in your area of expertise.
How it works — 4 simple steps:

Start practicing, or review your previous interviews

To practice, answer a round of 5 questions

Review each evaluation, and improve as you go!

Explore overall interview takeaways and advice
What kind of feedback can I get from Mr. Simon?
Mr. Simon analyzes your answers and provides you with the following feedback:
- your key strengths for the job
- areas where you can improve your answers
- suggestions on how you can tune your answers to better reflect the relevance of your skills to the job
- examples of how your improved answers may look
Our job interview prep tool allows you to practice for
- a specific role
- at a specific company
Based on your input, Mr. Simon will ask you the questions likely to be asked during a real interview.
You can practice without specifying an actual role or company, but in this case, the questions will be more generic. We recommend that you enter at least the job title/role.
And there is another benefit our users often mention: unlike human coaches, there is no need to schedule weeks or days in advance - Mr. Simon is available for you 24/7.
By the way, because he is not a human being, you will never feel intimidated - so relax and be yourself!
Did you know that:
of job seekers have experienced interview anxiety
of interviewers made their decision about a job seeker within the first 5 mins of the interview
increase in the use of online interviews from 2019-2025
Who, or What is Mr. Simon, exactly?

"He posed questions like a real interviewer would"
Surely you have already figured by now that Mr. Simon is a "what" rather than a "who".
Indeed - Mr. Simon is an app, designed by career coaches and AI* specialists to provide you with a self-paced yet disciplined way to prepare for your next job interview.
Through years of working with job seekers in group and individual sessions, our career coaches and instructors have identified a clear, step-by-step method that works effectively and provides results.
Then our AI software engineers automated the interview prep part of the process by utilizing ChatGPT and other NLP* features, to allow our users to practice any time, from anywhere in the world, and get the same feedback a human coach would give them.
Make sure you have your microphone and speakers on, and your environment is sufficiently quiet - each interview is in audio format, just like a real conversation!
Listen to a question asked by Mr. Simon, then answer it the best you can - and review his personalized feedback and suggestions for this answer.
Feel free to incorporate his suggestions and retry each individual question as many times as you find necessary. After every new answer, you can review the updated feedback on each new version of the answer, or proceed to the next question. ​
You get better with every try - keep polishing your answers and prepare to shine your best in the upcoming interview!
* AI = Artificial Intelligence; NLP = Natural Language ProcessingIn addition, you will often find yourself smiling and enjoying the process along the way.
Be sure to bring this positive attitude to the actual interview with you, it helps with building a good, lasting impression!

What our users say
Regional Director
I felt like I was being interviewed by a real person! I have anxiety, and having an AI perform a mock interview and evaluate my answers was very useful for my confidence. I especially loved the fact that Mr. Simon was ALWAYS available!
Project Manager
I used Mr. Simon to prepare for a job interview, and his suggestions greatly helped me re-think my responses, emphasize my strengths, and gain confidence. Very PRACTICAL, ACTIONABLE recommendations.
UX Designer
I searched interview prep via Google and found Mr. Simon. It was one of the best things to have happened during my job search and interview preparation. Great combination of both USEFUL AND FUN experience!

JOIN more than 60,000 users worldwide
And hey! don't wait until the last minute
Give yourself at least a few hours of practice (and better a few days), to get used to your new CONFIDENT AND POSITIVE interviewing style
Start Practicing