Interview questions at Jaguar Land Rover
We analyzed 428 interview reviews for Jaguar Land Rover from various job sites, social network groups and forums.
Here are the most frequent job interview questions asked by HR managers during initial phone or onsite interviews. This list does not include technical or factual questions.
12 frequent non-technical questions at Jaguar Land Rover:
According to our research, hiring managers at Jaguar Land Rover ask soft skills interview questions 25% more than at other companies.

1. Describe a time you worked on a team with individuals from different cultural backgrounds top question
How to answer
Why do interviewers ask this question?
Nowadays many companies rate global and cultural awareness as a key competency for all employees. For most jobs today, it is essential to be able to work well with diverse teams, including individuals who understand international and cultural differences and can interact respectfully with individuals from diverse cultures, political affiliations, races, religions, ages, genders and sexual orientations.
About Yourself
Answering this question highlights your ability to navigate cultural differences at work.
Think about your team experiences and times when you’ve had to overcome differences with colleagues.
- How do you adapt to working with team members of different communication styles?
- Are you open-minded enough to consider all their ideas even if you don't agree?
- How do you handle the differences in attitudes and values between you and people from other countries or backgrounds?
- Do you show respect and are you diplomatic with people who may hold different beliefs?
Maybe you haven’t worked with people from different cultures, but you may have been studying or been friends with people from different backgrounds.
Address your personal life, if necessary, and emphasize your curiosity and openness to other cultures.
About The Company
A careful review of the job description, along with some research of the company will help you anticipate what aspects of global/cultural awareness are most important for a particular role in the company you are applying to.
About The Fit
The ability to demonstrate openness, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and respect are the hallmark of a person capable of working with and understanding others and their individual differences.
Your task is to prove to the interviewer your ability to build strong and caring relationships based on trust and shared goals.
We recommend using the Present-Past-Present method to put forth your ability to work on a team with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
Start with the Present by telling the interviewer about your approach to teamwork - for example, your positive view of teamwork itself and how you believe that people from different backgrounds strengthen the team effort by adding perspective to the challenges it may face.
Next, go back to the Past and use the STAR method to tell a story about how your experience helped you to create an open and inclusive workplace environment, so all team members felt empowered to contribute. You might say something like: “At my recent work, representatives of different cultures participated in one common project to fix our company's multi-national shipping problem. My understanding of how team members from different backgrounds, with different political views and various levels of English language skills had to effectively work together. My leadership enabled the team to bring our project to a successful conclusion.”
Lastly, come back to the Present to ensure the interviewer that you are very comfortable working with team members from other cultures and possibly with different communication styles.
Pro Tip
Working in a multicultural team has both advantages and challenges at the same time. In such a team you can broaden your outlook.
Challenges that you have to overcome are: to understand other people’s language and culture, to get used to the different ways they think and work; to reduce mistrust that can be a barrier to understanding each other, and to promote awareness of cultural diversity in the workplace.
If you overcome these challenges, you will be the ideal employee at any job.
This question is asked 13.8x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
2. Describe a time when you had to overcome a significant obstacle on a job
How to answer
Why do employers ask this question?
It is designed to help the interviewer understand your problem solving and decision making skills. They want to know that they’re hiring someone who can think on their feet and who is resilient when facing challenges.
Think of this question as a great opportunity to turn what may have been a big challenge into a great accomplishment on your part.
About Yourself
The employer is looking for the skills needed to overcome a significant obstacale on the job. This is not the place to discuss the ordinary problems that you might face on a daily basis at work.
Start with recalling a few examples of real obstacles and challenges you faced. For each of them, consider:
- What was the project or task you were trying to accomplish?
- What was the obstacle? This can be a specific problem related to your job or a higher-order issue across the organization.
- What steps did you take to address the issue?
- What decisions did you have to make?
- How did the company benefit from your decisions?
- How would you describe your approach, or what lessons have you learned?
Be careful how you respond to this question. The problem you faced and resolved for the company should not have been of your own making.
See this as your chance to show how you stepped up by turning to your skills and inner strength to find the right solutions.
About The Company
When you research the company, try and find out what kind of challenges they are facing. Try to find out what they need in terms of problem resolution.
Search for online reviews, complaints and any other useful resources. What problems and obstacles can the employees face with this position?
Pay particular attention to the requirements listed in the job description. It is quite possible that you have a a STAR story about overccoming an obstacle that relates directly to one of their needs. This would be a great opportunity to answer this question.
About The Fit
This is your opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills, resilience, and strength of character. We recommend that you use the Present-Past-Present method to answer this question. The following is an example of how this method might be applied for the position of Blog Writer. The job description mentions that a successful candidate must have experience working “in a dynamic environment.”
Starting with the Present you might say "I really enjoy working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment" (repeating the words used in the job description is reinforcing to the interviewer).
Next go to a Past situation in which you had to write an article on extremely short notice. Your boss came to you at the last moment because your coworker failed to complete a very important assignment. The pressure was on but you worked extra hours to prepare the article successfully and on time. This story shows your sense of responsibility, ability to achieve results under stress, your willingness to go the extra mile, and your problem-solving skills.
Finally come back to the Present to again reiterate how working under pressure is a skill that you are proud of and you will bring to any assignment for the employer.
Pro Tip
This question is not about your past, it's how you deal with things that will happen in the future, so try to keep your answer short and focused.
After all, the interviewer is really looking for what you took away from the situation and doesn’t need to know the full backstory of what happened.
Use the STAR method to prepare your story and practice it so that you can stay within 1-2 minutes.
Make sure to show that you remained positive when overcoming a hurdle at work. Positive attitudes lead to positive outcomes.
This question is asked 4.1x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
3. Tell me about a time you had a conflict at work. How did you handle it? What have you learned?
How to answer
Wherever you go, you will always have to work with people. This means that there is a greater chance for conflict to happen. This question helps the interviewer determine how well you would fit within the organization.
About Yourself
Think of the times you had to deal with conflict.
- What were the different ways you were able to address the situation?
- If you were the cause of the conflict, how did the other person talk you down from the conflict?
- What were the key lessons you learned through your experience?
About The Company
Research the company and its culture.
- What do they value?
- Is there anything that you can find about how they deal with conflict resolution?
Reading comments to their social media posts often prove helpful to see how they react to customers' complaints.
About The Fit
- What have you found out about the company’s culture and job description?
- Are they looking for someone who can take charge and resolve conflict?
Tell a story of how you addressed conflict and how it turned a negative into a positive. Try to conclude with your lessons learned or methodology for approaching conflicts - this will show the interviewer that you would be able to apply your methodology to future situations.
Use the STAR method to frame your story.
Pro Tip
A key to addressing conflict is listening, communication and emotional intelligence. Highlight these skills.
If you're able to, turn the question around and ask the interviewer if they have experienced the same thing. This will start a conversation, which is the goal of an interview.
This question is asked 3.0x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
4. Tell me about a time how you worked effectively under pressure
How to answer
Employers want to know if you’re able to work efficiently in a dynamic environment and whether you’re prepared to go the extra mile.
They try to get a sense of how you handle on-the-job stress because it is important for them to hire a person who can coolly evaluate situations, stay focused, take charge and simply get the job done.
This question helps prospective employers to assess your capacity to work under pressure and appraise your decision-making, problem-solving, organizational, and time management skills.
About Yourself
Think of a previous professional situation in which you displayed excellent ability under pressure.
Use the STAR method to describe that scenario during the interview, and explain the actions you took to diffuse the situation.
- Does pressure help you to stay motivated, productive and work more efficiently?
- Do you consider stress and pressure as your learning experience which helps you grow?
If yes, it is great to mention.
About The Company
Do your research about the company you are aiming for.
- What are the company’s plans, for example, will there be a degree of pressure like hitting targets, meeting deadlines or managing multiple tasks at once?
- How might this impact you and how you deal with pressure?
About The Fit
It is important you provide an answer that proves you’re perfectly capable of keeping your cool in difficult and stressful situations.
Relate it to the job you’re interviewing for; talk about how the particular experience can help you succeed in the job.
For example:
“In my last job, we had a project to complete in 4 days where it usually took 10 days. There was a lot of panic by some team members, but I ensured everyone that if we concentrate on the task and work real hard, we can complete the project. It took a lot of overtime, and the last day we were in the office until 2 AM, but we managed to finish it to everyone’s satisfaction. It was hard work, but I really enjoyed that experience."
Pro Tip
Do not present answers like “stress cannot affect me” or “I can stay away from pressure,” because everyone is affected by stress or pressure at one time or another.
Also, never talk about a time where feeling pressured was a direct result of your own actions.
If your answer indicates that you work at the same high level with pressure or without it, the interviewer will be more impressed.
Remember the saying: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
This question is asked 20.6x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
5. Do you prefer working in a team or working alone?
How to answer
When the interviewers ask this question, they want an insight into your personality, how well you work independently and how well you work with others.
Generally, there's no right or wrong answer to this question, unless the company specifically prefers that you work only in a team or only by yourself.
Luckily, Mr. Simon is here to provide you guidance.
About Yourself
To prepare for this question, try to think of your previous experiences. Which type of work suited you best and why?
For instance, someone who prefers working by themselves may be able to focus better on the problem and a person who prefers a team approach may like having others to help figure out problems.
If you're a fresh graduate or someone that does not have much work experience, you can think of schoolwork or the times that you worked with others in an organization.
About The Company
- What has your research found out about the company and its culture?
- What have you learned about how the employees work?
Review the job description as it may give you clues to whether the job focuses on teams, independence or both.
Try to expand your search into social media posts at Glassdoor or others where employees/former employees may have posted about working conditions you would be working under.
Remember: knowledge is the key! The more you know about the company, the better prepared you will be to answer questions like this.
About The Fit
Based on your research, what did you find is the company's preference?
- What type of workplace does the company appear to have?
- What kind of challenges could you help the company/department resolve by working as part of a team?
- What about the challenges that can be resolved by working independently?
Emphasize both independent successes as well as group successes (be sure to mention actions you took to help the team).
Pro Tip
Talk about the benefits of each working style and add to your story by telling them in terms of your STARs:
what was the Situation/Task you needed to address?
what Actions/Approach did you take?
what were the Results? What did you do differently that made you successful?
This question is asked 8.8x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
6. Describe a time when you resolved a conflict with a colleague in your past role
How to answer
Wherever you go, you will always have to work with people and this means that there is always going to be a chance for conflict. Employers ask this question to gauge how well you handle disagreements and how you resolve contentious issues with your coworkers. Remember, if conflcts are not properly handled they may cause disruption in the running of the department or even the entire organization.
About Yourself
Think of the times you had to deal with conflict.
- What were the different ways you were able to address the situation?
- If you were the cause of the conflict, how did you handle it and what role did the other person play in helping to resolve the conflict?
- What were the key lessons you learned through your experience?
About The Company
Research the company and its culture.
- What do they value?
- Is there anything that you can find about how they deal with conflict resolution?
- Do sites such as Glassdoor give any indication of the kinds of conflicts that might occur and how they are handled?
Reading comments on the company's social media posts often prove helpful to see how they react to customers' complaints.
About The Fit
Consider the Present-Past-Present method to tell a story of how you addressed conflict and how it turned a negative into a positive.
Start with the Present to expain to the hiring manager how you always ask questions and listen carefully to your coworkers perspective to understand both sides of an issue and apply your sense of fairness when it comes to resolving potential conflicts with others.
Then go back to the Past using the STAR method to frame your story. Here is an example of how someone might relate just such a story:
"My coworker, who started with the company about 6 months before me explained the process the department used for tracking certain data metrics. In my "wisdom" I thought I had a better way. Without telling my colleague what I was doing I went ahead and tried my own way. Unfortunately my way did not quite do the job and as a result we had to start again. He was naturally upset but I brought out my best listening skills to understand his perspective and we agreed to start again with the next reports. I learned a lesson and we have worked together very well since that time."
Finally, come back to the Present to explain how you skills at listening to and doing your best to understand the other person's point of view is a valuable asset and makes you a strong candidate for the position.
Pro Tip
A key to addressing conflict is listening, communication and emotional intelligence. Highlight these skills.
If you're able to, turn the question around and ask the interviewer if they have experienced the same thing. This will start a conversation, which is the goal of an interview.
This question is asked 4.3x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
How to answer
This question belongs to a family of behavioral, or even more precisely, reflective questions.
The interviewer wants to learn two things about you by asking this question.
- They want to know what you think about the job you are applying for. Remember, they are interviewing you for the job that's open right now. Are you a good fit and will you do a good job for them?
- Just as important, they want to get an idea of your ambitions and goals for yourself and if your goals align with their needs, especially going into the future.
In this way the employer should see how you see yourself today, and whether you are ambitious and strive to grow as a professional, and whether you like to learn and develop your skills.
About Yourself
What challenges do you like overcoming? Where are you starting from and where might you be going?
For example, let's say the position you are applying for is junior accountant. It includes a wide range of tasks such as basic bookkeeping, financial analysis, and reporting. If accounting is your chosen field, then you would most likely want to move in the direction of obtaining your CPA so that you might step up to more responsibility as an accounting manager or senior auditor within the next 5 years. Your responses should make sense in how you see yourself growing in your professional career.
However, at this point, if you are happy just where you are and want to further your current skills, that is also fine as long as there is a growth path for you that can be imagined and described.
About The Company
Research the company to learn what career opportunities may be available in the department you are applying to, and what the trends are in the company in general.
- Is the business expanding, are they opening new locations, or starting new projects?
- Or are they heavily automating and cutting staff?
Let’s say you are applying for a UX designer position for a brand-new product.
In the future, if the product becomes a success - which is what the company hopes for - the company will hire more designers and you may become a lead designer, or you may become a product manager.
On a side note: If you train your mind to be open to opportunities you will be amazed at how much this world has to offer to you!
About The Fit
And, of course, try to see where the perfect fit lies between your own potential and aspirations, and the company’s trends and hopes.
However, beware of the risk of showing too much excitement for future opportunities compared to your attitude towards the current position.
As we said earlier, you must show interest and enthusiasm for the position you are applying for. If the interviewer senses that you are more enthusiastic about future growth than about the current position, they may conclude that you are not the right person for the job at hand.
Pro Tip
This question gives you a good opportunity to showcase your Key Selling Points (e.g. “As I am very good at delegating tasks, I can easily see myself leading a team of software testers in the future…”), and end your statement by asking about current initiatives and goals at the company.
In thinking about the possibilities that may lie ahead, you also might want to consider taking a personality test (I recommend 16Personalities which is based on the Myers-Briggs test), research the internet on what career paths are possible with your skills and current job.
It is generally NOT a good idea to say something like:
“Oh, I cannot imagine what happens to me tomorrow, let alone in 5 years”.
This will show you as a person who is unimaginative and not forward-thinking enough to grow with and be a good fit for the company.
This question is asked 63% less frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
8. What was the biggest mistake you made in your most recent job? How did you handle it?
How to answer
It’s important to know how to answer a job interview question about mistakes. They ask questions like this to learn how you handle challenges. They also want to determine your weaknesses, and decide if you have what it takes to do the job well.
It’s a chance for the interviewer to see that you can learn from your mistakes and use the experience to get better.
About Yourself
Do your best to tell a positive story about how the mistake was made, how you dealt with it and what learned from it.
We all make mistakes from time-to-time.
Answering some of the following questions will help you understand your own view of dealing with mistakes and their consequences. For instance:
- How do you use a mistake to improve your abilities?
- Are you self-aware enough to acknowledge failure and weakness?
- Do you take smart risks?
- How do you view success, failure, and risk in general?
- Do you take responsibility for past mistakes instead of putting the blame on others?
- If the situation repeats, what would you do differently? What would you do again?
About The Company
Before the interview, look over the job listing, research the company. Try to think of a mistake you have made in the past that is not too closely related to the requirements of the job you are interviewing for.
What kind of challenges might you face if you get the job here?
About The Fit
It’s your opportunity to emphasize the skills or qualities you gained from your past negative experience that are important for the job you’re interviewing for now.
Put a positive spin on your response by defining the “mistake” as a “learning experience” that led to your increased competency in the workplace.
Talk about a specific example of a time you made a mistake. Briefly explain what the mistake was; quickly switch over to what you learned, or how you improved, after making that mistake.
You might also explain the steps you took to make sure that mistake never happened again. Say that something you may have struggled with in the past has actually now became one of your strengths.
Pick a story that ends with a compelling example of a lesson learned. Tell your story using the STAR method.
Pro Tip
Make absolutely sure that the interviewer understands that you learned from the experience.
Never blame others for what you did (however, if you were part of a team failure, you could relate this experience, just be sure to own up to your part in it).
Always be accountable for what you could have done differently in the failure.
Demonstrate that you’ve had the maturity to benefit from previous “lessons learned” and you can move on with increased wisdom and competency.
This question is asked 6.4x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
9. Walk me through a scenario of a process you invented or improved
How to answer
Businesses are constantly on the lookout for ways to improve their delivery of services and/or products to their customers.
They want to streamline each of the individual activities all along the process so that they may reach their organizational goals.
The interviewer wants to learn how you recognized the need to improve a business process, how the improvement was accomplished, and what outcome was achieved.
About Yourself
Although you may not have had the opportunity to invent a new process, undoubtedly during your career you have come across a process or two that benefited from some form of improvement.
Although processes will differ to some extent, depending on the type of business, the important thing to remember is the ability to recognize problems and make improvements where needed.
- What roles did you play at previous (or current) companies?
- Was your job repetitive, and if so, did you look for ways to make it more efficient or more interesting?
- Did you help to introduce a technology solution to an operation that eliminated an error-prone manual input process?
Think carefully, you may have done far more in this area than you realize.
About The Company
- What are their core businesses?
- Are they product-oriented or service-oriented (or perhaps they are both)?
Check the website closely to determine where the company stands on the use of technology and what the plans are for the future. These are good indicators of how agile they are and how ready they are to take on new challenges.
Review the job description to understand what the position requires and whether there are opportunities and needs for process improvements.
About The Fit
Use the STAR method to help you bring your story to life.
You want to show the interviewer that you have the analytical skills to see the big picture and how you helped your employer improve efficiency and cut down on errors and delays by coming up with the right solution to a problem.
Even if a process is working fairly well, there may be a way to improve it.
Here is an example of a scenario that responds to this request:
“At my last employer, a large hospital system, we were having a problem with moving the correct drugs from the central pharmacy to the nursing stations. The issue involved both accuracy and timeliness, one that presented a potential danger to patients. To improve this process, I worked with pharmacy management as well the nursing department to review and document each step of the process. As a result, we found several “pinch points” in the delivery schedules that needed to be revamped. In addition, we determined a better method for ordering drugs through the Electronic Ordering System used by the hospital. As a result, the improved process greatly cut down on ordering errors and improved delivery times to the nursing units.”
Pro Tip
It is always helpful if your story of process improvement relates to the job you are interviewing for.
However, even if it is not a perfect match, the important thing to remember is that you are able to show how you took on a problem and were able to determine a solution.
The skills needed to improve a process are transferrable.
This question is asked 128.4x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
10. Tell me about your greatest professional accomplishment
How to answer
Of all your accomplishments (and I am sure you’ve had a great many of them!), you should choose the one most relevant to this job position.
About Yourself
In preparation for answering this question, list the top 3 professional accomplishments that you are most proud of. No need for lengthy descriptions, just a sentence or two for each one to help you recall each situation.
Write down your Key Selling Points - your top 3-5 skills that make you a strong professional.
Make sure you have developed the story behind each accomplishment and have a strong command of the details of what happened so that you can tell the story clearly and distinctly.
Along with each accomplishment, mark which of your Key Selling Points they showcase. How exactly?
About The Company
Based on your research of the company, what are their current needs?
- What are the major projects going on?
- What are the expectations for the position you are applying for?
- Think about which of your accomplishment stories best fit their needs and expectations?
About The Fit
Once you have decided on the appropriate accomplishment story, think how you will relate it in an interview and how you will make it relevant to the the job you are seeking. One approach is to use the Present-Past-Present technique.
Let's say that the accomplishment was leading your team in installing a new billing system and bringing it in on time and under budget.
You might start off in the Present by talking about the importance of having good leadership skills.
Then move to the Past to relate your story about how you successfully lead your team in accomplishing the objective.
Finally, come back to the Present to address how you will be able to help them reach their goals (the ones you learned about when researching the company) going forward.
Be sure to keep practicing your accomplishment story until it flows naturally and convincingly.
Pro Tip
Most enterprises are now going through major transformations, often called Digital Transformation.
Do your research on what it means and what is often involved, to get a better idea of the current goals and environments in companies. But one thing that definitely characterizes this transformation is striving for agility.
Whether the prospective employer is a long-established company or a startup, they are looking for people who demonstrate qualities like agility and adaptability, which are generally considered to be both helpful and quite a safe choice in most circumstances today.
This question is asked 26% more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
11. Tell me about a time you had a poorly performing team member
How to answer
Underperforming employees can appear at any job.
Each person performs his/her tasks on schedule, and the entire team works together to get the project done, but there may be times when one team member is exhibiting low or poor performance and generally displays a lack of motivation. It can affect the entire team.
This question addresses your collegiality and your ability to work on a team. The interviewer would like to know if you can successfully motivate others without it coming across as condescending.
About Yourself
Ask yourself the following questions based on your own experiences.
- Do you like working on a team?
- How well do you work in groups, and what role do you tend to take on in a team project (for example, leader, mediator or follower)?
- Are you easy to get along with?
- What can you do to support other team members?
- How do you act to help to minimize the damage of poor performance to the project?
About The Company
Research the company ahead of time so that you can present yourself as someone who would fit seamlessly into their team culture.
The example you use to respond to the question should be relatable to the company you are applying to.
About The Fit
You need to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are both enthusiastic about teamwork and that you get along with colleagues.
Be ready to provide a viable solution to this common work situation. Use a scenario when your encouragement was well received and resulted in a positive change or outcome. Emphasize that you always try to create a friendly environment with your team members.
Here is a simple and honest example:
"As a server at “ABC,” I was working with a difficult coworker who refused to contribute to the preparation for a holiday party. She decided to sit and watch while we worked. I took this opportunity to speak with her in a calm and friendly manner and asked her to do the small odds and ends. She agreed and worked on the place cards and seating cart, which played an important role in the fluidity of the event. Sometimes, people have hidden strengths and weaknesses, you just need to identify them!"
Indicate how you’ll handle future challenges if they happen.
Pro Tip
Teamwork is important, but when you have one member who isn’t positively contributing to the team, the tone of the team can shift.
Keep your answer upbeat and avoid complaining about previous managers or team members, speak about your actions and approaches rather than theirs.
This question is asked 7.7x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
12. Tell me about a time when you were given little direction on a job assignment and how you were able to complete it
How to answer
Ambiguity is inevitable in every business sector and will arise in one form or another.
Unclear or insufficient understanding by employees of the What, How and When of an assignment, often leads to both incorrect execution of tasks and failure to obtain the desired result. That’s why creativity is an important attribute in new and potential employees.
Asking this question, the interviewer wants to hear about your decision making and critical thinking skills and wants to know how you might come up with unique ways to meet this kind of a challenge.
About Yourself
Describe decisions from your experience that you made when not having all of the pertinent information for completing an assignment at work.
- How do you cope when you face a challenge you’ve never previously experienced?
- Are you the type of person who jumps right into solving problems, or do you first carefully assess the situation?
- Are you the type of person who always tries to solve the problem on your own before asking for help?
- Will you step up to improve things or sit around waiting for more instructions?
About The Company
Based on your research of the company, what are their current needs?
- What problems and obstacles can the employees face with this position?
- What are the expectations for the position you are applying for?
From the job description, have you been able to find out what duties you'll be taking on?
About The Fit
This is your chance to show your problem-solving skills like creative independent thinking, decision making and logic.
Show the interviewer that you are a quick learner, a capable and confident person who knows how to think, evaluate, detail, and concretize.
You can use a form of the following as part of your answer, adding your own job-related details:
‘Ambiguity is a large part of my daily reality. I always do the best with the information I have to keep projects moving. I often find myself making decisions wishing I had just a little bit more data. In these cases, I look at everything I have, work out my plan, run the numbers, create what-if scenarios for several variables and select the best possible option.’ Hint, don’t use this sentence word for word.
Tell your story using the STAR method, which will help you effectively organize your response when answering this type of question.
Pro Tip
Be sure to include the success you saw in your sound decision-making and emphasize how the situation helped you grow in your professional area and how it will be helpful if the company hires you.
This question is asked 6.8x more frequently at Jaguar Land Rover than at other companies.
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This page has been updated on February 23, 2024.