Questions at Olympus Corporation of the Americas interviews
We analyzed 122 interview reviews for Olympus Corporation of the Americas from various job sites, social network groups and forums.
Here are the most frequent job interview questions asked by HR managers during initial phone or onsite interviews. This list does not include technical or factual questions.
12 frequent non-technical questions at Olympus Corporation of the Americas:
According to our research, hiring managers at Olympus Corporation of the Americas ask soft skills interview questions 79% more than at other companies.

1. Tell me about yourself top question
How to answer
Most job candidates expect this to be one of the first interview questions and probably think of it as an “icebreaker” to get the interview started. It is much more than that! It is your opportunity to show the interviewer your relevance for the job. You want the employer to know that you are qualified to do the job, you are interested in doing the job and capable of getting it done.
About Yourself
What is your current occupation? Define yourself professionally in one statement.
Pick 3 key skills that make you great at your work (your Key Selling Points). How have you applied these skills?
Try to give some numbers to support your statement.
About The Company
Your first step is to Research the company to find out as much as you can about what they do and their approach to their business and their employees.
Based on what you know about the company and the job description, why are you interested in the position you are applying for?
About The Fit
Now is the right time to show the fit between your skills and the company's requirements. Your answer works best if you emphasize your relevance. How do you do this? You will have already researched the company, studied the job description to identify their needs and possible pain points and prepared the relevant Star Stories that show how you addressed similar issues in the past. Your next step is to develop your Present-Past-Present approach.
Start with the Present. Focus on the skills and experience from your most recent positions. What has enabled you to get the job done successfully and how this relates to what the employer is looking to accomplish.
Next go back to the Past. Here is where your Star story comes in. Explain how you were able to use your skills and experience to accomplish a task that relates to an area of concern for the employer.
Finally come back to the Present – summarizing the lessons you learned and how they shaped your response and approach today.
Remember, the whole conversation is about the present, not the past. Just one sentence can summarize why your approach works, and its applicability and relevance to this position.
Pro Tip
You can also end with a question like:
“Do you know what the current needs in the company/department are, where my skills and experience can help?”
That can help you learn more about the company and the job, turn the “interrogation” into a conversation and will allow you to relax some tension.
Read our blog post to learn more about how to answer this question.
This question is asked 17% less frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
2. Tell me about your work experience. What was the most interesting?
How to answer
This question lets an interviewer gauge what makes you tick and whether the job you are applying for corresponds with your areas of excitement and enthusiasm. Such a fit will earn you important points for being a viable candidate.
About Yourself
Review the details that you shared in your resume. Select the three to five best points to highlight and relate to the position to which you're applying.
About The Company
Carefully research the company and the job description.
Find out what duties you'll be taking on to determine which of your top skills to emphasize. Try to find out what current challenges they are trying to solve by opening this vacancy.
About The Fit
Knowing the duties for which you will be responsible will help you identify which prior experiences to highlight.
How well you connect your previous experiences with the job requirements can tell the interviewer how prepared you are for this role and how enthusiastic you will be about your job.
Pro Tip
Do not start your answer with "as you can see from my resume," even if you have listed those skills and qualities.
Instead, tell a story showing that you can solve problems similar to their current challenges and that you are enthusiastic about this.
You can best do this through constant practice of your STARs.
This question is asked 4.9x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
3. What skills are you looking to develop on your next job? Why?
How to answer
When employers ask you about skills you would like to develop, they are looking for honesty in the way you answer.
A common target of the question is to discover how motivated you are to extend yourself. If you are willing to learn, then you are probably more motivated to do the job well.
They might also be trying to determine whether you’ll be a good long-term fit for the company. Are you looking for an opportunity to grow with an organization – or will your plans take you to another employer before long?
About Yourself
Answering the question, reflect on yourself. Show that you are concerned and active about your own evolution.
You can indicate how development has worked for you in the past, give examples.
- What qualities do you wish to develop in yourself both professionally and personally?
- What kind of culture do you want to work in?
- What motivates you?
- What qualities do you feel make strong, healthy relationships?
- What skills do you admire most in your role models?
And probably the most important is: What will help you to achieve your future goals?
Choose something you’re already pretty good at, but still trying to improve even more. Maybe it is something that you learned a long time ago but haven’t used in recent jobs very often?
About The Company
Do your research and learn as much as possible about the organization and the career path you might forge there. Read the company’s story on their website, review their LinkedIn page, explore their blog.
What personal and professional qualities do they value and what can you learn if they hire you?
About The Fit
No matter what skills you say you want to improve, however, make sure that you follow it up with what you’re doing about it.
Focus on a work skill that may not be critical to your industry or job level and demonstrate how you would like to develop this skill further, implying you already have a level of competency. This way you won't be sounding negative about yourself.
You could say something like “Coworkers often come to me for advice on how to write or format a document they are working on. I know that I am good at this (that’s why they come to me in the first place), but I have no formal training on mentoring others. I would like to take a course or two on mentoring others that would help them while also improving my own skills in this area.”
Say you are willing to learn new things and take on new challenges. Show employers that you’re self-motivated and actively looking for ways to improve your skills and value in your career.
Pro Tip
If you choose one of the more common working skills such as networking, presentation, mediation, technical, coaching or mentoring, make sure that they are not anything that’s vital or crucial to the job you’re interviewing for.
For example, if you are applying for a manager position, you don’t want to say that you need to work on developing your supervisory skills.
This question is asked 5.0x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
4. What makes you unique?
How to answer
Essentially, this question really means "What makes you an exceptionally good candidate?"
Interviewers ask this kind of question to understand what specific skills or qualities help you to stand out from the other candidates. They want to see the evidence of strengths and soft skills you might not have included in your resume or application, but that will help you do well on the job.
It's a chance to provide the interviewer with insight into how you'd be the best candidate for a role, proving you're someone who can think on your feet.
About Yourself
Remember, unique does not mean “quirky” or “odd.” It means the skills, personality traits and other attributes you have developed over the years that make you “YOU.”
Think about your creative skills. Maybe you combine both logical and emotional aspects at work to solve problems? Show that you are not afraid to take risks and try something new.
It’s time for you to remember your best qualities and share the examples from your background, which highlight what you like about yourself as well as your level of confidence.
About The Company
Research the company and review the skills listed in the job description to see how well your unique attributes relate to the job requirements.
The more you know about the organizational goals of the employer, the better equipped you’ll be to connect your unique attributes to the job. It can be helpful to think of what’s special about you and how those characteristics will enable you to make a strong contribution to the organization.
About The Fit
Prove that you're a good fit for the job and that you are compatible with the organization’s culture. Always keep it relevant to the position you are applying for.
For example, for a management job, you might want to demonstrate communication skills, strong leadership or a willingness to take risks.
For a job in finance, you might focus on your discretion or your meticulous attention to detail.
If you previously worked at a small startup and now you want to transfer to a large corporation, it's important for you to mention how the experiences gained at that company have prepared you to take on the tasks at the new company and have given you a “leg up” over other candidates.
Pro Tip
While it's important to share an example or two of what makes you unique, be sure to keep it brief. You don’t want the interviewer to think your unique quality is “talking too much.”
Mention that you always try to find the creative approach to non-standard situations.
Providing strong examples shows the interviewer that you're results-driven. Never use generic phrases like “I’m a hard worker” or “I’m a perfectionist” to answer their questions.
This question is asked 9.4x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
5. What is your greatest weakness?
How to answer
This question ranks as the most challenging for many people. Fortunately, Mr. Simon is here to help!
Interviewers are not out to trick or trap you! They ask this question to gauge your level of self-awareness, your honesty and openness, and your capability for self-improvement.
About Yourself
No one is perfect and your interviewer doesn't expect you to be perfect either.
While it is good to be honest and open, it will not help you to put yourself down.
What's important is to find a weakness that you have overcome. How you turned what might be considered a negative into a positive.
About The Company
Research the company (website, social media, etc) to learn about the company culture.
What personal and professional qualities do they value?
About The Fit
This is the time to clearly state a true weakness that you have overcome.
Be as specific as possible and stay away from vague cliches like “I work too hard.” It would be difficult for anyone to try and explain how they overcame a weakness like that
Mr. Simon emphasizes the Present-Past-Present method of responding to behavioral questions. When you are asked about your greatest weakness, you should be able to successfully use this approach as well. Here is an example of how someone might answer this question.
Present - "I have always had a fear of public speaking, and believe this may have held me back in my career, especially when having to make presentations to management."
Past - "Last year I learned about Toastmasters International and decided to join this group to help me gain confidence in myself and improve my ability to present to others in just about any situation."
Present - "By overcoming this weakness I believe that it has made me a much stronger candidate for this position, someone you can count on to make presentations to management, conduct training and communicate at a high level."
It's important to show how well you've overcome a weakness by motivating yourself and learning a new skill to grow professionally.
Pro Tip
Use this question to sell yourself!
This question is asked 44% less frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
6. What experience do you have in this field?
How to answer
This question may help you convince the interviewer how smoothly you would fit into the position to which you are applying. It's your chance to WOW them! Be sure to focus on the experience that is relevant to the company and position.
About Yourself
Start with defining your Key Selling Points you want to emphasize for this position.
- What job experiences brought you to those points?
- What were the job titles and the most relevant responsibilities?
About The Company
Do your research of the company and the requirements for the position.
- What is the company looking for in terms of experiences and qualifications?
- What problems are they trying to solve with this position?
Most importantly, make sure you are able to highlight and speak about at least 3-5 of your key experiences that match up with the requirements listed in the job description.
About The Fit
Using the Present-Past-Present method is a perfect way to answer this question.
Starting with the Present, speak about your experience as it relates to one of the key requirements in the job description. You might say "I noted that the job description requires experience in employee training and this is an area in which I have a great deal of knowledge and skill."
Then go back to the Past to describe how you improved overall training of staff from 82% to over 97% within your first year on the job. Senior leadership took note of this accomplishment for which you received a company commendation.
Finally, come back to the Present to describe how you will help ensure that the company maintains the highest possible compliance with all employee training requirements.
Nowadays, every hiring manager wants results, so think in terms of specific achievements and try to structure your example accordingly.
Pro Tip
When telling your story, remember to talk about your STARs!
S - What was the Situation?
T - What was your Task?
A - What Action did you take?
R - Talk about the Results.
This question is asked 56% more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
7. What do you do if you disagree with someone at work?
How to answer
In the workplace, it is not always possible to agree with everyone since we are all human beings and have our own unique thought processes.
This question helps to find out how you handle situations of conflict and disagreement with other people at work and whether the disagreement is controlled or acrimonious. The interviewers will also note whether your response shows that you will fight, give in, or seek proactive resolution.
About Yourself
Think of the times you had to deal with disagreement with your co-workers.
- What were the different ways you were able to address the situation?
- Did you try to look at the matter at hand from the other person's perspective or did you always stick with your own viewpoint?
- What were the key lessons you learned through your experience?
About The Company
Research the company and its culture.
- What do they value?
- How do they deal with conflict resolution?
- How do the employees value each other?
- Do they have any specific standards and policies?
About The Fit
Your response should show that you are reasonable and thoughtful, always trying to keep the situation under control, avoid disputes if you feel that dialogue may become aggressive.
Tell the interviewer that if you disagree with someone, you
- always focus on facts
- listen to the points they are presenting
- never attack his or her ideas and beliefs, because that's not at all helpful or productive
- recognize the good.
These statements will help you to highlight your skills like listening, communication and emotional intelligence.
Give examples from your own experiences of how you used politeness and adaptability.
Phrases such as “What you are saying may be correct, but I do not think it is applicable in this situation,” “I think ABC is a better solution. What do you think?” Or “Can we try out this option instead?” show how you master potential conflict situations.
Pro Tip
Emphasize that you look at professional differences of opinion as a positive thing.
Remember that even though it is important to put your views forward, it is also important to understand what the other person’s views are.
Explain that your goal is not to win but to clear the air in any disagreement at work for the benefit of the company.
This question is asked 10.3x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
8. What did you like or dislike about your last job?
How to answer
Your answer to this question will show the interviewer your overall perspective (positive or negative) of your prior role and your approach to what you liked (or didn’t like) about that aspect of your work. While answering such a question remember that diplomacy is the key to corporate success.
The answer you give to this question can say a lot about you, for example:
- Can you handle situations professionally when you deal with pressure?
- What strong qualities (your Key Selling Points) can you emphasize answering the question?
- Are you a positive person, and not someone who complains, holds grudges or badmouths their co-workers or boss?
- Do you exhibit loyalty, enthusiasm, dedication, and energy?
- Are you easy to work with?
About Yourself
Reflect on yourself; stick to the facts and don’t go into emotions.
List the things you were responsible for in your last job.
- Which of them did you like most? Why?
- What were the responsibilities you liked less? Why?
- Was there anything you consider completely unacceptable?
If you feel that your answer will not be complete without a nod toward the negative aspects, then keep it focused on tasks, situations, or company structure, and not on people. The overall tone must be positive and friendly.
About The Company
- What does your research tell you about the company you are applying to?
- Will there be situations like those in your former job you don't want to get into again?
- What are the requirements for the position?
- What challenges will you face there?
- What responsibilities will you be tasked with?
About The Fit
Which of the responsibilities you liked will also be part of your future responsibilities in your new role? Don’t forget to show your excitement while telling about these.
If there were responsibilities you disliked that are not part of the job description, don’t bring them up.
By asking about your feelings toward a previous job the interviewers often aren’t that interested in the list of actual likes or dislikes you can provide. Rather, they’re trying to judge your character by listening to the tone and **attitude **with which you respond to a tricky question.
However, details of your likes and dislikes can also reveal whether you'll be a good fit culturally at the company at hand. Showing excitement about responsibilities that will most likely be included in the role you are applying for can help strengthen your position as a fit.
Mentioning that you are ready for more challenges and opportunities, that the position you are applying for is a great match for your skillset and that you feel you would be an asset to the company or department is often a safe way to show your excitement.
Pro Tip
Telling your stories, use the “sandwich method”: start off by mentioning a positive, then mention the negative, and try to pivot back around to something positive.
You can do that by talking about how you managed the aspect you disliked, or by making a connection to the job you're interviewing for.
This question is asked 4.0x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
9. What did you do in your last role when your workload was enormous?
How to answer
We all have times when the workload gets heavier than normal.
Asking this question, the interviewer is looking for employees who can react effectively to an increase in workload required in this position. They want to know that you will not become overwhelmed if workloads unexpectedly become enormous.
The answer to this question shows how well you work under pressure and how well you manage a stressful situation.
About Yourself
- How do you approach problems and stress?
- Are you adaptable?
- How do you prioritize your tasks?
Maybe you organize them by which ones you can complete independently and which ones you need help with?
- Do you take sufficient breaks, so you do not exhaust yourself?
- Do you communicate your approaches with your managers or teammates?
About The Company
Research the company, its corporate website, its tone and mission, social media accounts.
- What do they value in their employees?
- What are their current goals?
- What will your responsibilities be in this position?
- Will your workload be higher than you used to have?
About The Fit
Tell how you managed your work responsibilities in your previous jobs using the STAR method.
Provide an example of an event that happened previously in your career, including a description of what caused the issue, how you addressed it, and what the results were of your intervention.
How will you react if an enormous workload happens in this new job?
The interviewers must see the fit between you and their company, so your task is to highlight your best traits.
In your response, include specific problem-solving and time management skills that helped you to handle the heavy workload and will help you to overcome these obstacles in the future.
For example, if you applying to a software implementation team, describe how you were able to handle an unanticipated increase in your workload through strategic planning, teamwork, and by increasing the work pace.
Explaining how you thought out a plan of action and worked together with others to ensure all contingencies were addressed is a good way to answer this question.
Pro Tip
In any case, try not to appear like you were in any way discouraged or stressed out by the challenge of an unanticipated increase in workload.
Rather than elaborating upon how difficult the situation was, simply provide a straightforward account of how you helped to efficiently and effectively resolve it. Tell about your lessons learned.
This question is asked 57.4x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
10. What challenges are you looking for in this position?
How to answer
This is a typical question that interviewers ask to determine what you are looking for in your next job, whether you are qualified for the job and if you would be a good fit for the position.
They want to hire people with goals and motivation for their career; they want to understand how you approach novel situations and difficult tasks that you might expect to face, and the situations you consider to be a challenge.
This question can be a way for you to show how you handle these circumstances. It also helps the interviewer to know if you are a person who likes routines or a person who prefers dynamic changes in plans.
About Yourself
- What qualities do you wish to develop in yourself both professionally and personally?
- What kind of culture do you want to work in?
- What motivates you?
- What will help you to achieve your future goals?
Choose those things that you’re already pretty good at, but still trying to improve even more.
About The Company
Research the company, its culture and the work environment. Check their website, read up on any media report you can find about them, check out their social media platform.
Carefully read the job description to get an insight into what the company thinks the challenges are. Make sure to include them in your answers to demonstrate your skill set.
About The Fit
The best way to answer this question is to discuss how you would like to be able to effectively apply your skills and experience to the new job.
Focus on those skills that you are most passionate about or have the most experience with. You can also mention that you are motivated by challenges, can effectively meet them, and have the flexibility and skills necessary to handle a stimulating job.
Describe specific examples of challenges you have met and the goals you have achieved in the past. Choose those that reveal your strengths.
Challenges clearly vary widely based on the position you are applying for.
For example, in sales you may speak about higher sales quotas, a larger sales territory, or a more prominent range of products or services.
In IT, they might be learning a new software program or incorporating the cloud in the company’s systems.
In a management position, it could be leading a larger team than you currently do or stepping into your first leadership role.
Pro Tip
Don’t suggest challenges that can prevent you from doing a job properly or those which are impossible to resolve.
Also don’t choose those that are too easy or too quick to resolve, because in such a way you will not be able to show that you are eager to grow further and meet difficult tasks.
Be honest and self-aware and don’t be afraid to speak about some of your points that may need improvement. Not those, of course, that are related to your crucial work duties.
This question is asked 17.9x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
11. What are your strengths? Give an example
How to answer
Many people think they know their personal strengths and consider this question simple. However, to impress your interviewer you must be ready to turn your response into a meaningful and insightful answer.
It’s an open invitation to talk about your Key Selling Points, your accomplishments and to show how you match the employer’s values and requirements.
You must be ready to stand out and demonstrate your unique value as a candidate.
About Yourself
Reflect on your best professional qualities. What are they? Are you dependable, flexible, friendly, hardworking, a strong leader, formal, punctual, good team player?
Pick at least three personal strengths that will help you at your new workplace, and make sure you can give specific examples to demonstrate why you say these are your strengths.
If no key strengths spring to mind, ask your friends or colleagues what they think your greatest strengths are. What examples can demonstrate your success due to these qualities?
About The Company
Make sure to research the company and read the job description thoroughly in order to identify the key strengths required for the role.
About The Fit
Recruiters and hiring managers want to know how your strength relates to the job you’re applying for.
Match the skills required by the position with your list of strengths. Choose up to 5 top skills. These are your Key Selling Points! Prove your point by providing examples.
Craft your stories using the STAR method.
Pro Tip
Tip 1: Aim to strike a balance between over-confidence and underselling yourself. If you list too many strengths, you risk sounding arrogant. Listing too few implies a lack of confidence or even a lack of skills.
Tip 2: One of the most in-demand skills nowadays is being adaptive. In order to emphasize your adaptiveness, try to think of an example when you had to quickly learn something new, or quickly become a team member with a completely new group of people, or started contributing quickly in a new environment or project.
This question is asked 4.5x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
12. Walk me through your resume
How to answer
This question is often asked at the beginning of the interview.
The interviewer wants to hear a brief overview, a summary of your professional experience, in order to have a starting point from which they can dig deeper.
Structuring your answer wisely gives you a good chance to emphasize your Key Selling Points and to channel the conversation in the direction you want.
About Yourself
Print out your resume. For each of your recent job experiences (at this point do not go back more than 5 years), write down 3-5 key points at which you feel you are strong.
For example, for your current (or previous) job, you may want to list skills like “Excellent presentation skills,” “Employee Engagement guru,” “Analytical skills,” “Attention to detail” (they don’t have to be all soft skills, but being aware of at least a few of your strong soft skills is important). Make sure you have examples for each of your statements.
If you have difficulties to think of these points, search online for job descriptions for similar job roles, and figure out which of those keywords appeal to you. Look for people on LinkedIn that have jobs similar to the one you are applying for. Their profiles often contain many keywords that you can use in response to this question.
Now that you’ve gone through all your recent experiences, are there any points that repeat more often than others, or are especially important to you? These are candidates to be your Key Selling Points -highlight 3-5 of them.
About The Company
Research the company and the role for which you're being interviewed. When researching the company, find out what skills and qualities they value the most. Carefully consider the job requirements. What is it that you will be responsible for?
Now, write down 3-5 keywords from the job description that you find of utmost importance for this job role.
About The Fit
Try to establish the match between your own highlighted keywords, and those of the job description. These are your Key Selling Points! You should normally limit yourself by 3-5 such keywords or phrases.
Now, craft a story based on your career history. You don’t have to go in chronological order - you can start with your current or last job experience, and then go back to your previous ones, or focus on just the experiences that are relevant to your story, and only briefly mention the less relevant ones and only if needed.
Select one point to highlight for each phase of your career. Make sure you ingrain your Key Selling Points in the interviewer’s memory - after the interview is over, you want them to remember you as someone who is strong at XYZ, or experienced in A, B and C.
It's okay to focus more on stellar achievements and brag a little bit about them.
Pro Tip
Don't bore the interviewer by going through your resume line-by-line.
Instead, WOW them by succinctly (keep it within 2 minutes) telling a story of how your career path has brought you to this point and how you are the best candidate for this role.
Super tip: The more you practice with Mr. Simon, the better you'll be at telling WOW-worthy succinct stories!
This question is asked 2.5x more frequently at Olympus Corporation of the Americas than at other companies.
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This page has been updated on February 23, 2024.